Travel Tips

The Top 7 Essential Hiking Trip Checklist Items Every Hiker Needs

Hiking is a great way to experience the outdoors first-hand. One of the best things about hiking is that anyone can do it. There are lots of national parks that have both beginner trails and trails for those that are more experienced. No matter what level hiker you are, you will need a hiking trip checklist to make sure you have everything you need. Here are the essentials: 

Refillable Water Bottle

One of the most important things to remember when you’re hiking is to stay hydrated! Your body needs water to function. Bring a refillable water bottle with you so you can refill it on your trip. You want to make sure that your water bottle is full at all times. That way you won’t have to worry about not having water when you are on your hike. Family-friendly campgrounds usually have a store on-site so you can pick up any last-minute items. 

Sturdy Backpack

A backpack is essential because it will be able to hold all of your other essentials. You’ll want to choose a backpack that is sturdy. You want it to be able to handle any weather conditions, as well as, wear and tear. 

First-Aid Kit

Be prepared for emergencies by bringing along a first-aid kit. These usually include antibacterial wipes, ointment, band-aids, and gauze. Hopefully, you won’t have to use the kit on your hike, but it’s good to have just in case. 

Knife or Multi-Tool

When you’re hiking and setting up camp, you might need a knife or multi-tool. A lot of multi-tools include a bottle opener, scissors, plyers, etc. All of these can be useful when you’re hiking. You can use it to set up the tent, and more. 

Hiking Shoes

Don’t forget to bring a good pair of hiking shoes. This is especially important if you are hiking a long distance. Find shoes that give you good arch support and help you feel comfortable. 

Plenty of Food

Pack preserved food for your hike. Make sure that your supply matches the number of days you are hiking plus an extra day’s worth of food just in case. 

Map & Compass 

Bring along a map and compass so you always know where you’re going. These navigation tools will help you figure out which way to hike. Try and map out your hiking trails beforehand and then enjoy the journey! 

Ready to give this hiking trip checklist a try? Browse Staylist’s campground reservation map to find the destination for your next hiking adventure.